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Every physical disease has a metaphysical cause. Stress has become a part of our life. There are several causes for one to feel anxious, Diabetes, sad, angry, jealous etc. But persisting emotional disturbance blocks the flow of energy through aura and chakras. Block in the flow of energy throws the chakras in to imbalance. Imbalance or malfunctioning of a single chakra results in malfunctioning of other chakras, hormonal imbalance, imbalance among five elements. The net result is the disease of single organ or the entire system under the control the particular chakra and the physical body reveals symptoms of disease. Block for the flow of cosmic energy results in accumulation of negative energy in the organs and causes disease.



Uninterrupted flow of cosmic energy without any block is the basis for health. For maintaining health, mind plays a crucial role. Mind processes the information received by the five senses (eyes, nose, ear, tongue, skin). Hence the influence of external environment gathered by these five senses plays a major role in feeding the information to the mind, the sixth sense. Thus when the mind is relaxed and free from stress the energy processed by the -mind flows to the subconscious mind through the auras and chakras. Hence feeling the information through the five senses plays a crucial role in keeping the mind and body in perfect coordination.

Cosmic energy passes through the body of the reiki channel or reiki healer to the patients during the treatment to the chakras

The flow of energy through the aura, chakras and the dependence of the physical body on the flow of energy for balancing chakras, endocrine organs and five elements is mandatory for a healer to keep himself and others healthy.

value. ​quality care. convenience.

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